Register Company in Oman

A Comprehensive Guide To Register Company in Oman

Here are 7 Easy Steps To Register Company in Oman:

Step 1: Determine Business Structure (SPC, LLC, Subsidiary, or Branch)
Step 2: Prepare Required Documentation (Passport copy and if there is any residency permit)
Step 3: Verify and Reserve Company Name ( need 3 proposed names)
Step 4: Get Necessary Permissions & Licenses
Step 5: Office Address approval from Municipality
Step 6: Draft and Notarize Company Documents
Step 7: Obtaining the Commercial Registration

Step 1 Determine Business Structure (SPC, LLC, Subsidiary, or Branch)

Lets Discuss First Step to Register Company in Oman:

When you go to register company in Oman, one of the crucial decisions you need to make is choosing the appropriate business structure. The most common options for foreign investors are Special Purpose Company (SPC), Limited Liability Company (LLC), Subsidiary, or Branch Office. Each structure has its own characteristics and implications. Here’s a detailed explanation of these options:

  1. Special Purpose Company (SPC):

    • An SPC is a legal entity established for a specific purpose or project, such as real estate development or infrastructure projects.
    • It is typically formed for a limited period or until the completion of the project.
    • SPCs are subject to specific regulations and requirements set by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Oman.
    • This structure may be suitable for investors looking to undertake a specific project with a defined timeline.
  2. Limited Liability Company (LLC):

    • An LLC is the most common and flexible business structure in Oman, preferred by both local and foreign investors.
    • It requires a minimum of two shareholders and allows for 100% foreign ownership in most sectors.
    • The liability of the shareholders is limited to their share capital contributions.
    • LLCs have a separate legal identity from their owners, providing protection to shareholders’ personal assets.
    • This structure is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses with a relatively simple ownership structure.
  3. Subsidiary:

    • A subsidiary is a company that is wholly or partially owned and controlled by another company, referred to as the parent company.
    • Establishing a subsidiary in Oman involves incorporating a new company that is owned by a foreign parent company.
    • The subsidiary operates as a separate legal entity with its own rights and obligations.
    • This structure allows the parent company to maintain control and separate liability from the subsidiary.
    • It is suitable for larger multinational corporations looking to expand their operations in Oman while maintaining a distinct legal identity.
  4. Branch Office:

    • A branch office is an extension of a foreign company in Oman and does not have a separate legal identity.
    • The branch office operates under the name and legal status of the parent company.
    • It can engage in commercial activities, sign contracts, and conduct business on behalf of the parent company.
    • The parent company assumes full legal liability for the branch office’s activities.
    • This structure is suitable for companies that want to establish a physical presence in Oman without creating a separate legal entity.

Step 2 Prepare Required Documentation (Passport copy and if there is any residency permit)

During the process to register company in Oman, it is essential to gather and prepare the required documentation for the company formation process. One of the key documents you will need to provide is your passport copy, along with any applicable residency permits. 

Here’s some information about these documents:

Passport Copy

The first document you will need is a clear and legible copy of your passport. This document serves as proof of your identity and nationality. It should include the main information page with details such as your name, date of birth, passport number, and photograph. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the date of application submission. Additionally, you may be required to provide additional pages, such as the page showing your most recent entry stamp into Oman.

Residency Permit (if applicable)

If you are a foreign resident in Oman and hold a valid residency permit, you may also need to provide a copy of this document. The residency permit, also known as a residence visa or iqama, is issued by the Royal Oman Police (ROP) and allows you to legally reside and work in Oman for a specified period. It is important to ensure that your residency permit allows you to engage in commercial activities or establish a company, as some permits may have restrictions. The residency permit copy serves as evidence of your legal residence status in Oman and may be required during the company formation process.

Step 3 Verify and Reserve Company Name (Provide 3 Proposed Names)

The process of selecting a company name in Oman is an exciting step in establishing your business identity. However, before finalizing your preferred name, it is crucial to verify its availability and comply with the naming regulations set by the Omani authorities. Here’s a unique take on this step:

  1. Unleash Your Creativity: Let your imagination soar as you brainstorm potential names for your company. Consider names that reflect your business’s values, vision, and offerings. Think about unique, memorable, and relevant names that will make your company stand out from the competition.

  2. Verify Name Availability: Once you have shortlisted three potential names, it’s time to verify their availability. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) in Oman oversees the registration process and ensures that company names adhere to specific guidelines. These guidelines aim to prevent duplication, misleading names, and any infringement on existing trademarks or intellectual property rights.

  3. Comply With Naming Regulations: The MOCI has certain regulations for company names in Oman. For instance, the name should not be offensive, violate public morals, or contradict Islamic principles. It should also avoid using any restricted or prohibited words. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid using personal names unless they are associated with the nature of the business or have prior approval.

  4. Submitting Name Proposals: Prepare your three proposed company names, ensuring they meet the naming regulations. These names should be ranked in order of preference. Submit the name proposals to the MOCI for review and verification. Along with the name proposals, you may need to provide additional information such as a brief description of the business activities and the business structure you have chosen (e.g., LLC, SPC, etc.).

  5. Reserving The Name: The MOCI will review your proposed names and determine their availability. If one of your preferred names is available and complies with the regulations, it can be reserved for your company. In case all three proposed names are unavailable or do not meet the requirements, you may need to provide three new name options.

  6. Flexibility And Backup Options: It’s important to have backup name options in case your preferred names are not available. This helps to avoid delays and ensures a smooth registration process. Be prepared with alternative names that align with your business objectives and comply with the naming regulations.

Remember, the company name is a vital aspect of your branding and market positioning. It should resonate with your target audience and convey the essence of your business. Taking the time to choose a distinctive and suitable name not only enhances your brand identity but also contributes to a positive first impression among customers and stakeholders.

Step 4 Get Necessary Permissions & Licenses

Obtaining the necessary permissions and licenses is a crucial step in establishing and operating a business in Oman. This process ensures that your business complies with the legal and regulatory requirements set by the Omani authorities.

Identifying Regulatory Requirements:

Once your company is registered, the next critical step involves obtaining the required permissions and licenses. Begin by identifying the specific regulatory requirements applicable to your business activities in Oman. Different sectors may have distinct licensing obligations, and it’s crucial to understand and comply with these regulations.

Government Authorities and Clearances:

Engage with relevant government authorities to secure the necessary clearances. For security-related clearances, such as those required by certain sectors, collaborate with the Royal Oman Police (ROP). The ROP plays a vital role in ensuring the security and regulatory compliance of businesses in Oman.

Professional Services Licenses:

If your business involves professional services, such as legal, accounting, or engineering services, you may need licenses from the respective professional bodies or associations. These licenses often ensure that professionals adhere to specific standards and regulations in their practice.

Environmental Permits:

For businesses with environmental implications, securing permits from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs is essential. This step is crucial to demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability and compliance with Omani regulations.

Step 5 Office Address approval from Municipality

Obtaining office address approval from the Municipality is an important step to register company in Oman. This approval ensures that your chosen office location complies with the regulations set by the local Municipality authorities.

Choose a suitable office location:

Before applying for office address approval, it is essential to select a physical location for your business operations. Consider factors such as accessibility, proximity to your target market, availability of amenities, and compliance with zoning regulations.

Understand the Municipality requirements:

Each Municipality may have specific requirements regarding office locations and their suitability for commercial activities. Research and familiarize yourself with the regulations and guidelines set by the respective Municipality where your office will be located.

Gather necessary documentation:

Prepare the required documentation for the office address approval application. This typically includes copies of your lease agreement or proof of property ownership, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the property owner or landlord, a site plan or layout of the office premises, and any other documents specified by the Municipality.

Complete the application form:

Obtain the application form for office address approval from the Municipality. Fill out the form accurately and provide all the requested information regarding your business and the office location. Ensure that the form is signed by the authorized representative of the company.

Application review and inspection:

The Municipality will review your application and conduct inspections of the proposed office location to verify its compliance with the regulations. This may include checks for safety standards, building codes, parking requirements, and other relevant factors. The inspection process is typically carried out by qualified officials from the Municipality.

Receive office address approval:

If your application and the proposed office location meet the Municipality's requirements, you will receive the office address approval. This approval confirms that your chosen office location is suitable for your business activities and complies with the relevant regulations. Keep a copy of the approval document for your records.

Step 6 Draft and Notarize Company Documents

In the process of establishing a company, drafting and notarizing company documents is a crucial step that helps formalize the legal structure and operations of your business. These documents serve as a foundation for your company’s governance and provide clarity on ownership, rights, responsibilities, and other important aspects.

  • Seek Legal Assistance: It is highly recommended to engage the services of a qualified lawyer or legal professional who specializes in business law. They will guide you through the process, ensure compliance with relevant regulations, and assist in drafting the necessary company documents.

  • Drafting the Documents: Working closely with your legal advisor, the company documents should be carefully drafted to accurately reflect the intentions, objectives, and operations of your business. These documents typically include information about the company’s name, registered office address, purpose, share capital (if applicable), management structure, decision-making processes, and any specific provisions or restrictions.
  • Notarization: Notarization involves the authentication of the company documents by a licensed notary public or a notary officer. This process verifies the authenticity of the signatures, seals, and content of the documents. Notarization adds an additional layer of legal validity and ensures that the documents can be recognized and enforced in legal proceedings.
  • Identify Required Documents: The specific company documents you need to draft and notarize may vary depending on the legal structure of your business. Common documents include articles of association (for joint stock companies), memorandum of association (for limited liability companies), partnership agreements (for partnerships), and shareholder agreements (for companies with multiple shareholders). These documents outline the rights, obligations, and relationships between the company, its owners, and other stakeholders.

  • Review and Approval: Once the initial drafts of the company documents are prepared, review them thoroughly to ensure accuracy, completeness, and alignment with your business objectives. Seek feedback from your legal advisor and other relevant stakeholders, such as partners or shareholders. Make any necessary revisions or amendments to the documents before finalizing them.
  • Submission and Filing: The company documents are typically submitted to the relevant government authority responsible for company registration. This authority may vary depending on the jurisdiction and legal framework of the country where your business is being established. The documents will be reviewed, and if they meet the requirements, they will be filed and registered.

Process Completed

After successfully registering your company, there are several post-registration steps you need to take to ensure the smooth operation of your business:

  1. Obtaining the Taxation Certificate: Contact the relevant tax authority in your jurisdiction to apply for a taxation certificate. This certificate will enable you to fulfill your tax obligations and comply with the tax regulations applicable to your business.

  2. Obtaining the Chamber of Commerce Certificate: Apply for a Chamber of Commerce certificate from the local Chamber of Commerce or trade authority. This certificate confirms your membership with the Chamber of Commerce and provides access to various benefits and services offered by the Chamber, such as networking opportunities and business support.

  3. Obtaining the Investment License: If your business falls under specific investment categories, you may need to obtain an investment license from the relevant investment authority or regulatory body. This license validates your eligibility to operate in certain sectors or industries and ensures compliance with investment regulations.

  4. Open Bank Accounts: Approach local banks to open the necessary bank accounts for your business operations. This includes a corporate bank account for daily transactions, payroll accounts, and any other accounts required for your specific financial needs. Provide the required documentation, such as company registration certificates, identification documents, and business plans, as requested by the bank.

  5. Commence Operations: Once you have obtained the necessary certificates, licenses, and bank accounts, you can officially commence your business operations. Begin by implementing your business plan, hiring employees, establishing processes and systems, and launching your products or services in the market.


Yes, some sectors like Trading allow 100% ownership to the foreign nationals.

Common business structures in Oman include Limited Liability Company (LLC), Joint Stock Company, and branch offices of foreign companies.

It takes only10-15 days to complete the process of company formation in Oman.

The process involves selecting a business structure, reserving a trade name, preparing legal documents (Articles of Association), obtaining necessary approvals, and completing registration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Yes, it is possible to hire foreign employees, but the process involves obtaining work permits and ensuring compliance with labor regulations.

To start an offshore business in Oman, engage with a registered agent, select a suitable jurisdiction, submit the required documentation, obtain necessary approvals from regulatory authorities, and adhere to the specific regulations and procedures set by the Oman government for offshore entities. Consulting with legal professionals or business advisors familiar with offshore business setups in Oman is recommended for a smooth process.

Yes, certain foreign investors in Saudi Arabia, particularly within specific sectors, are allowed to own 100% of their businesses, thanks to recent economic reforms.

A business visa for Saudi Arabia is a type of visa that allows foreign nationals to enter the country for business-related purposes, such as meetings, conferences, or exploring potential business opportunities. It is typically issued for a specific duration and requires sponsorship from a Saudi-based entity.

Yes, it is possible to drive from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia via the King Fahd Causeway, a bridge connecting the two countries. However, travelers should be aware of border regulations and entry requirements, which can vary and may be subject to change.

To register for Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), businesses need to create an account on the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) online portal. Subsequently, they should submit the required documentation and follow the prescribed procedures outlined by the tax authority. The registration process may include providing details about the business, its activities, and financial information. It’s essential to adhere to the specific guidelines and requirements set by the GAZT for accurate and timely VAT registration.

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